Things you need to know about the Fire Risk Assessments.
Fire Safety Order 2005, requires that a Fire Risk Assessment is carried out on all commercial premises, and also on the communal areas of residential premises.
For businesses employing less than 5 people, the Fire Risk Assessment does not need to be in writing, but don’t forget that if something does go wrong, it may be difficult to prove that you have done the assessment if it is not in writing.
Who can do my Fire Risk Assessment?
The Fire Safety Order requires that the fire risk assessment is undertaken by a ‘competent person’.
HSE: A competent person: "A competent person is someone who has sufficient training and experience or knowledge and other qualities that allow them to assist you properly. The level of competence required will depend on the complexity of the situation and the particular help you need."
How often should my Fire Risk Assessment be reviewed?
There is no fixed period for reviewing your Fire Risk Assessment – certainly it is necessary whenever there are any significant changes which could affect the fire risk, including changes to the:
legislation etc.
Additionally, it has become standard best practice to review the Fire Risk Assessment on an annual basis. In many cases, if there have been no significant changes, clients are competent to carry out the Review of their Fire Risk Assessment, provided they were involved enough in the original Fire Risk Assessment to understand the content and the Action Plan.
The review is simply a question of checking that the information recorded is still correct, that all necessary maintenance of the fire protection equipment is being carried out, and that all recommended actions have been completed or are in hand. A simple revised Action Plan can then be formulated, and, most importantly, the Review should be recorded. Some clients prefer to have a third party carry out the Review each year, as a second pair of eyes. Even if clients carry out their own annual Reviews, it is prudent to get a third party to re-visit the Fire Risk Assessment after 2 years, so that any changes in legislation and guidance can be taken into account.
If you have any questions or if you need assistance with your Fire Risk Assessment, please do not hesitate to contact us.